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2022 Seattle Stairclimb

31st Annual
Sunday, March 13, 2022 (All day)

On March 13, 2022, ten members from our department participated in the 31st annual Seattle Stairclimb. The Seattle Stairclimb is hosted by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society which raises funds for blood cancer research and patient services. Firefighters from all over the Country and World come together and race up 69 fights of stairs in full turnouts including SCBA. Our team alone raised over $10,000 and the event raised over $2 million!!

Competitively, our department finished 18th overall with our top three entrants averaging 16:35 to the top. Brian Jacobs received the top finish in our department history at 15:37. Special thanks to Chris Padian, Brian Jacobs, James Harsh, Ashley Hann, Scott Campbell, Jon Pittman, Robert Uhalde, Tyler Broom, Matt Mokhatarian and Adam Cosner (retired).